Alcohol AddictionAlcohol Addiction TreatmentAlcohol DetoxAlcohol RehabAlcohol Addiction Treatment Programs
Millions of Americans struggle with alcoholism every year. Alcohol addiction treatment programs offer services, support, and education to guide people through recovery to long-term sobriety. Alcohol use pervades American culture. Its prevalence means people recovering from alcohol addiction are bombarded by triggers that put them at risk of relapse. Accessing high-quality care that prioritizes relapse prevention and building strong coping skills is key to overcoming alcohol addiction.  Discover how alcohol addiction treatment programs guide clients through healing and recovering from the disease of addiction.

Alcohol Detox Center Services

Alcohol detox centers guide people through detoxing from alcohol. Centers that focus on detox services holistically tackle client needs through three distinct priorities: intake, medications, and stabilization. Intake involves a comprehensive medical review to understand where a client is upon entry. Medications are used to support detox in particular and may also alleviate symptoms related to a co-occurring mental health disorder. Stabilization is the lengthier process of therapeutic intervention meant to result in balanced mental and physical health that can support sobriety. Many people experience withdrawal symptoms while detoxing from alcohol. Conducting detox under medical supervision is recommended, especially in cases of severe addiction. That’s because withdrawal symptoms can border on severe and even life-threatening. Common alcohol withdrawal symptoms include:
  • Insomnia
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Hallucinations
  • Delirium tremens
Treatment providers work hard to implement a detox regimen that reduces symptoms and helps people navigate a difficult recovery period. Cleansing the body and severing its reliance on alcohol is just the first step in an alcohol detox program. Detox sets a necessary foundation. Ongoing treatment then builds on that foundation to produce lasting results. 

Evidence-Based Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

Three types of evidence-based treatment are most often deployed to treat alcohol addiction. These are behavioral therapies, medications, and support groups. Behavioral therapies are a category of counseling methods that look to analyze and alter the behaviors and drives behind problematic behavior. A few examples include cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and motivational interviewing.  Currently, three prescription medications have been approved by the FDA for use in treating alcohol addiction. They are disulfiram, naltrexone, and acamprosate. For instance, disulfiram supports alcohol addiction recovery by producing negative side effects whenever someone ingests alcohol. Over time, people come to link these negative side effects with alcohol usage as both a physical and mental deterrent.  Lastly, support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and 12-step programs have long been staples in addiction treatment. They connect people to peer support, mentorship, and accountability. Addressing alcohol addiction involves a comprehensive plan that takes all three forms of treatment into account.

Benefits of Alcohol Detox

Detoxing from alcohol and working to overcome an alcohol addiction brings numerous benefits. For starters, alcohol addiction can cause many negative health outcomes later in life—these range from higher risks for developing an irregular heartbeat to mental health disorders to stroke.  Avoiding potential future health disasters is by no means the only benefit. One early benefit of people who quit alcohol is improved sleep. Alcohol abuse and sleep disorders regularly go hand in hand because of how alcohol use interferes with the body’s sleep cycles. The longer abstinence is maintained, the better sleep becomes for people in recovery. Many people who quit drinking also experience better mental health. The origin of alcohol addiction is often mental health issues. But when alcohol is used to self-medicate, it only worsens those mental health issues. Getting free of an alcohol addiction provides people with the space and energy to address any underlying mental health issues and allows them to reclaim a positive self-identity. Discover more benefits of getting sober by reaching out to an alcohol addiction treatment program today.