No matter how severe your addiction is to drugs or alcohol, there are several ways to combat addiction and recover well. Drug and alcohol detox centers provide numerous resources and treatments to help you get clean and stay clean for good. Treatment professionals offer help at every stage of recovery, including detox, rehab, and aftercare.
You can also develop personal strategies for quitting, such as improving your health and lifestyle, spending time with the right people, and creating positive alternatives to drinking or taking drugs. It may seem that your addiction is impossible to overcome. However, you can implement a new strategy each day to get you one step closer to recovery.
Go to a Detox Center
Most substance abuse treatment programs include a detox center where you can get clean. A detox center offers a fully licensed staff that provides emergency medical care, treatment services, and support. You also have access to medication-assisted treatment, therapy, and comfortable facilities. It is a safer alternative to detoxing on your own.
Join a Rehab Program
Once you complete your detox, a rehab center can help you combat addiction better than other options. A rehab center provides an array of treatments and programs such as:
- Residential and outpatient services
- Individual and family therapy
- Evidence-based treatment (EBT)
- Holistic therapy
- Aftercare programs
- Support groups
The right rehab center has addiction treatment therapies that meet your personal needs and help you achieve your recovery goals.
Explore Your Aftercare Options After Rehab
The transition from addiction to recovery is most difficult after rehab. Aftercare programs exist to help you make the transition back to daily more smoothly. Drug detox centers create programs such as alumni programs, continued therapy, sober living houses, and support groups to give you a support network after rehab. By engaging in aftercare, you can combat addiction and avoid relapse.
Continue Your Therapy
One of the best ways to end addiction is to continue counseling or therapy after your initial treatment is over. One therapy session a week or month could keep you motivated and help you learn more about your addiction. Meeting with your therapist can also help you manage the symptoms of any mental disorders such as anxiety or depression.
Find a Support Group
Addiction treatment programs often incorporate small groups into their treatment plans. However, support groups also meet independently in nearly every city. You can go online to find a support group that works for you. You can also speak with your treatment specialist to determine what groups meet at the rehab center or in your area. A support group can hold you accountable and keep you motivated to stay sober.
Change Your Lifestyle
Addiction is more than just a condition. It eventually becomes a lifestyle that affects your family relationships, health, finances, job, and reputation. If you are going to end your addiction, you need to reclaim the life that you once knew before addiction. This means changing your home environment, developing positive habits, and living healthier.
Get Treatment for a Mental Health Condition
If you get treatment for addiction but neglect a mental disorder, you are likely to relapse.
Mental health disorders often associated with addiction include
anxiety, depression, PTSD, borderline personality disorder, or
bipolar disorder. Dual diagnosis can help treatment professionals identify your condition and provide treatment for addiction and mental health issues.
Learn How to Combat Addiction
If you are struggling with addiction, you can get the help you need to overcome your condition. To find out more about your treatment options, contact a drug rehab center near you. Addiction specialists can help you get on the road to a lasting recovery.